There's Always Room for Growth

There's Always Room for Growth

There are always areas in our lives we need to improve. There always will be. But that search to improve yourself can sometimes make you forget what you’ve already accomplished. Sometimes I ask myself could it really be possible that no matter what I do I’ll never be considered a success.

The bombardment from all sources of media of what a successful career in tech looks like is forever creating a sense of under achievement in all of us. Imposter syndrome is very real, and it is something that some of us struggle with on a daily basis. Insecurity is a natural feeling, whether it comes from comparing yourself to others or focusing on your incompetence. As much as you don’t want to have insecurity, you do, and that’s okay. It’s a sign that you should give yourself room to grow. We all have to admit that we’re not perfect. No matter how perfect you’d like to be, you never will be; perfection is a myth. There will always be somewhere you can improve in your career, there will always be new frameworks and languages to learn, new tools to familiarize with and constantly trying to strive for your version of perfection will only drive you to exhaustion and a never-ending pattern of questioning your worth. Am I good enough? Am I doing enough? Am I enough?

We create subconscious images of what it means to be successful in tech, a fancy workspace and high-end PC, knowledge of multiple frameworks and languages and when we evaluate our own life and realize we do not even come close to these lofty ideals, we consider ourselves failures, overlooking many of our own accomplishments. We all have accomplished something we can be proud of. Celebrate your achievements. Accept that you are successful and that you need to continue that success.

Set goals to grow and develop yourself from a mind-set of positivity.

I am granting myself room to grow in all these aspects of my career and more, because I deserve it. Everyone deserves it. We’re all doing the best that we can.

Live your life to better yourself and grow your knowledge, but never to bow to the demands of what the media and society tell you is success.

It’s going to take a lot of constant reminders to allow myself grow, but I am working on it. I am granting myself room to grow, and I hope you are as well.